Thomas William Fripp 1864 - 1931 |
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Thomas William Fripp was born in London, England on March 23, 1864. He was the grandson of Nicholas Pocock, the founder of the Royal Watercolour Society, and son of George Arthur Fripp, under whom he studied. He undertook further studies at St John’s Wood Art School, the Royal Academy Schools (1887) and in France and Italy.
Fripp immigrated to British Columbia in 1893. He farmed at first, then moved to Vancouver in 1904, where he worked in a photography studio for two years before turning to painting on a full-time basis.
He gained acclaim for his watercolours of the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Coast landscapes, yet Fripp also painted some oils and portraits. A founding member of the British Columbia Art League, Fripp was first President of the British Columbia Society of Fine Arts (1909) and a member of the British Columbia Society of Artists.
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